Yin Yoga: Everything You Need To Know
yin yoga, yoga Dominika Stanska yin yoga, yoga Dominika Stanska

Yin Yoga: Everything You Need To Know

In the bustling world of yoga, where dynamic flows and intense acrobatic postures often take center stage, there exists a gentle yet profound practice known as Yin Yoga. Rooted in ancient Taoist traditions and influenced by mindfulness, Yin Yoga is a quiet revolution—a practice that emphasizes stillness, surrender, and a deep exploration of the self.

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Can Yoga Nidra Replace Sleep?
yoga nidra Domi Stanska yoga nidra Domi Stanska

Can Yoga Nidra Replace Sleep?

In our fast-paced world, where sleep often takes a back seat to our busy schedules, many seek alternatives to relax, preferably in a quick and efficient way. One such practice that has gained a lot of attention recently is Yoga Nidra, often referred to as conscious relaxation or Yogic Sleep. But can Yoga Nidra truly replace sleep, ensuring our bodies and minds receive the rest they desperately need? Let’s find out.

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How To Rest to Feel Recharged: 10 Tips
mindfulness, yoga, yoga nidra Domi Stanska mindfulness, yoga, yoga nidra Domi Stanska

How To Rest to Feel Recharged: 10 Tips

In a world that often glorifies busyness and productivity, the concept of rest can feel elusive. We find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of work, responsibilities, and commitments, leaving little room for genuine rest and rejuvenation. But rest is not a luxury; it's a necessity for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of rest and provide practical tips to help you embrace this vital aspect of self-care.

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Mindful Movement, a Way to Reconnect With Yourself
mindfulness, yoga Domi Stanska mindfulness, yoga Domi Stanska

Mindful Movement, a Way to Reconnect With Yourself

You see, movement doesn’t always have to be a high-energy workout or a rigorous exercise routine. It can be as simple as swaying gracefully, in a soothing way. Because in a world that often pushes us to go faster and harder, we need to remember that there’s always a way to slow down. A way to find softness in our bodies.

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Yoga Nidra, Bodyscan Meditation, NSDR - Are They Any Different?
yoga nidra, mindfulness Domi Stanska yoga nidra, mindfulness Domi Stanska

Yoga Nidra, Bodyscan Meditation, NSDR - Are They Any Different?

In the world of mindfulness and meditation, various practices have emerged from different traditions and communities, each offering its unique path to relaxation and self-awareness. Among these practices are Yoga Nidra, Body Scan Meditation, and the concept of Non-Sleep-Deep-Rest. Despite their diverse origins, they share a common thread of promoting profound relaxation and inner healing. In this blog post, we will explore how these practices, rooted in different times and communities, ultimately lead to the same destination of inner peace and well-being.

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Embracing the Present: A Journey of Mindfulness
mindfulness Domi Stanska mindfulness Domi Stanska

Embracing the Present: A Journey of Mindfulness

Step into the world of mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn, the man behind making mindfulness popular. I, as a yoga and mindfulness teacher, invite you to join me in understanding mindfulness — it's about paying attention to feelings and thoughts without being hard on yourself. Let's journey together into self-discovery through yoga and mindfulness, finding calm in the present moment.

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The Power of Gratitude Practice in Mindfulness Meditation
mindfulness, meditation Domi Stanska mindfulness, meditation Domi Stanska

The Power of Gratitude Practice in Mindfulness Meditation

Who doesn’t get caught up in the hustle and bustle, often overlooking the simple small, good things that surround us? Gratefulness practice, when incorporated into mindfulness meditation, offers a great way to shift our focus and cultivate a positive mindset. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of integrating gratefulness into mindfulness practice, supported by scientific research.

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Embracing the Power of Slow: The Benefits of Slow-Paced Vinyasa Yoga
yoga, breathwork, vinyasa Domi Stanska yoga, breathwork, vinyasa Domi Stanska

Embracing the Power of Slow: The Benefits of Slow-Paced Vinyasa Yoga

When everything seems always rushed, finding moments of calm and slowness is essential for our overall well-being. Slow-paced vinyasa yoga offers a sanctuary where we can explore the beauty of gentle movements, intentional breathwork, and mindful awareness during restful time. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of incorporating slow-paced vinyasa yoga into your practice and how it can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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the soft flow

Combining a slow breath with gentle movement, and deep resting time.